‘Neighbor’ (Neighbor Storage, Inc.) is a peer-to-peer marketplace for users to rent out their extra storage space to individuals in the market for affordable storage solutions. Some examples and use cases may include:
- Parking your vehicle in someone else’s driveway.
- Storing your boxes in someone else’s garage or shed.
- Leaving your RV on someone else’s property.
The concept is simple, effective and I would even say ‘good’. No different than the Airbnb and Uber model. As we know, everything has been turning towards peer-to-peer and the peer-to-peer industry has changed the world significantly over the past 7 or so years.
Unlike Airbnb and Uber, however, Neighbor has vastly unethical policies and contracts, whereby they are actively harming hundreds of unsuspecting users renters. In this article, I’m going to share my personal experience with Neighbor. As for and what I’ve uncovered in the little time that I’ve spent investigating their company, that will come at a later date.
If you have been wronged by Neighbor like I have and would like to do something about it, there is a website dedicated to the collection of data concerning their company and their unethical business practices. Please head over to that website to share your experience! Visit the Neighbor Scam Alert website today.
Why Neighbor is Different:
Before we delve into the injustice caused by Neighbor, let’s understand the fundamental difference between Neighbor and other peer-to-peer platforms like Airbnb and Uber.
Neighbor’s model entails leaving belongings at a third-party location for prolonged periods. Airbnb and Uber do not. This means that Neighbor, by default, has a certain level of responsibility that those platforms don’t. The same is true in reverse. Uber carries the responsibility of transporting humans. Airbnb carries the responsibility of human beings sleeping at third-party locations. So from a liability standpoint, they are very different.
Neighbor stands in a league of its own, in terms of liability because users leave belongings and valuables at third-party locations for prolonged periods. Like a vehicle or an RV.
While your life may be in the hands of an Uber driver during a 20-minute ride, the moment you step out of that vehicle, the ‘risk’ is mitigated. Additionally, Uber goes above and beyond to ensure drivers are safe, can be trusted and are reliable. The same applies to Airbnb rentals. Things can only go wrong (for the most part) while you’re at the location. As soon as you check out and leave, risk over.
Using Neighbor requires and entails a trust factor far beyond a few minutes or a few days as explained above. Oftentimes, it requires complete trust, security, and reliability for months at a time. When you drop off your belongings or vehicle at a third party using the Neighbor app, you are essentially entrusting your valuables into someone else’s care every day, week after week, sometimes, month after month.
It isn’t enough that the third party was honest on day one, or day two. It isn’t sufficient that your belongings weren’t damaged, touched, sifted through or stolen for a few hours or a few days, it must remain as such for the entire rental period. That requires a trust factor of 10X. It should also require a company like Neighbor to go above and beyond, to ensure, protect, and secure its renters.
But Neighbor does not do that.
In fact, they do very much the opposite. That is where mine and so many others have birthed so riveting. This is why articles such as these exist. This is why the Neighbor App Scam Alert website exists…
Neighbor’s Reputation, Rating and Reviews:
At first glance, seeing that Neighbor has an overall rating of 3.7 on Trustpilot, would make one think that they aren’t so terrible. But upon further investigation, the grim reality comes into sharp focus.

- More than 1/3 of Neighbor’s reviews on Trustpilot are negative.
- On Sitejabber Neighbor is rated at a 1.6
- On Better Business Bureau they have over 30 complaints in the past 3 years. (And being that the BBB doesn’t allow users to leave a review AND file a complaint, their rating on the BBB is trash too when taking into account that every complaint is akin to a 1 star rating or less.)

When you analyze the negative reviews, a pattern will begin to emerge. Namely: that Neighbor has reprehensible business policies and they are actively shirking their responsibility on many fronts.
Having more than 1/3 of your customer base utterly despise you, is a testament to horrible business practices. It is also a sign that hundreds of unsuspecting customers have been burned by Neighbor and could do nothing about it, other than vent their frustration online. It’s a window into a much, MUCH larger issue… Zero ethics.
My Story with Neighbor:
(To share your Neighbor story, please visit the Neighbor Scam Alert website.)
My story begins many years ago. It’s the story of a young, wild teenager who messed up his credit and name by defaulting on some credit cards and an auto loan. It’s the story of mistakes, atonement, and then growth, maturing, and reshaping. It’s the journey of someone who screwed up a lot, and when he finally took the initiative to turn his life around, do things right, fix his name, and abide by all rules, he got burnt by a mega tech company called Neighbor.
You see, after living on the edge and respecting very little in terms of society, I made the conscious decision to get my life in order and begin to clean up my past. When I got screwed by Nieghbor, I was more than two years into a painstaking journey of rebuilding and gaining solid ground.
I was so close to achieving my goals when it all came to a screeching halt and was crushed by a greedy, unapologetic tech business called Neighbor.
The details of my story are many, so I’ll refrain from going into depth. However, if you would like to see how the events unfolded in a fact-based manner, click on this link:
In the meantime, here’s the synopsis:
- In February of 2023 I rented a parking spot from Neighbor. It was located in Newark, NJ near the airport. The booking was for 2 months.
- My vehicle was parked at the spot paid for. I was off to Thailand for vacation. (A vehicle that I bought on my name alone with a high interest rate and a large down payment because I was determined to fix my broken past.)
- A week into my vacation I received an email from Neighbor that warned of my host being suspicious and that they wanted me to move my vehicle.
- After some back and forth about my inability to move the vehicle because I’m out of the country, they refused to move it for me or take responsibility. I even offered to expedite shipping the key to them.
- Neighbor ended my reservation.
- Neighbor insisted that they could not help me. I’m all on my own. I can contact a tow company myself and/or track down their suspicious host and figure it out with them. (Imagine being scammed by an Uber driver and Uber telling you to pursue the scammer yourself…)
- After not being able to get in touch with the host, I was left with no choice but to hire a contractor from a platform called Task Rabbit. They were to ensure the vehicle was there. If yes, I would ship them the key and they would move the vehicle.
- The contractor I hired drove by and confirmed the vehicle was not in the parking spot.
- I contacted Newark police to apprise them of the situation and they began looking into it.
- They got back to me and said that they were able to confirm that the vehicle was towed to a shop in West Orange, NJ. But they had no number. Just an address.
- After doing a whole bunch of research online and getting nowhere, I went back to Neighbor for help.
- Neighbor responded with an apparent phone number and business name of the tow company.
- The number did not work. I tried it for a few days straight. At some point, it started going to voicemail.
- I begin looking for an attorney.
- I bumped into ‘Cape Law’ and used their service to draft a demand letter and send it to Neighbor.
- I called the Newark police to let them know that I could not get ahold of the tow company and they reached out for me.
- After finally getting ahold of the tow company, they confirmed that the vehicle was towed into their lot as requested by the management of the building. This took place a day or so after it was parked there. (While still under contract with Neighbor)
- The tow company also confirmed that a couple of other vehicles were towed from that lot – suggesting that they meet the same criteria. But most of those vehicles were already picked up. (Which is probably why Neighbor had the towing company contact info – while they played dumb the whole time and let me spend dozens of hours and weeks trying to figure this out myself.)
- Being that it was towed so long ago, there was already a bill of over $4,500 in order to have the vehicle taken out. The kind of money that A) I do not have and B) I’m not liable to pay. After all, I didn’t screw up. (Well, maybe I did by using Neighbor as we are learning…)
- April: Neighbor refuses to take any responsibility for the situation and with each passing day the bill increases.
- At this point, since there’s a lien on the car, I continue to make payments on it. I must keep my credit good. I’ve worked so hard to get to this point. I had already paid off close to $15,000 of the value of the car. It was my only ‘asset’.
- The auto loan company has the right to pick up the car from tow lot (and pay the bill). But after speaking to them, they made it clear that if they pick it up they will treat it as a repossession and that will go onto my name/credit for 7 years. Additionally, if they pick up the vehicle, they will sell it at auction and the proceeds will go against my outstanding debt. The remaining balance I will still owe!
Take a second to let this sink in… I’m dead serious.
Imagine you work your ass off to get your name and credit in order, only to have it undone by a tech company who refuses to take responsibility for their screw-up.
I left for Thailand with my credit on the way up and an asset (My vehicle) 1/3 paid off. Not a single missed payment.
I’m now about to return from my vacation with no vehicle, destroyed credit, repossession on my name, total loss of every dollar invested into my vehicle, total loss of my asset, AND a bill from the lien company for the difference.
Is this even comprehensible? Forget about ethics and morals. How is this even possible?…
- Early May: I return from my vacation and since I don’t have access to a vehicle, I now need to rent one. There’s just one problem. Car rental prices are through the roof. A long-term rental for one month is running an average of $1,900. Not to mention, I’m still making car payments – holding onto the dream that the lawyers will make this right.
- Mid-May: I reach out to Cape Law for an update on the demand letter and to find out what’s taking so long.
- Cape Law essentially tells me that they don’t work for me and that it’s in the queue. (All the while they are charging a monthly membership and will take 20% commission of any settlement).
- Mid-June: Cape Law completes and delivers a two-page demand letter full of blatant errors.
- I request a revision.
- End of June I got a copy of the demand letter they sent to Neighbor.
- Early June: Cape Law failed to get Neighbor to respond to the demand letter, now they suggest going to court.
- I say Sure!… BUT, they require me to hunt down Neigbor’s legal info. Okay…
- I get them Nieghbor’s entity info. Neighbor is based out of the state of Utah.
- Cape Law says they cannot go court in that county. They offer to refer me to a lawyer who can.
- I request them to do just that.
- Cape Law then says “Unfortunately we do not offer attorney finder services at this time”. Wow. (They deserve an entire article too. And they will get one).
- So thanks to Cape Law, we now killed 2-3 months! I’m back at square one.
Note: every month that passes, about $2,000 in rental, insurance, car payments and fees is added to this case.
I reached out to about 3 different Salt Lake City lawyers, but none of them responded.
- Neighbor’s legal team finally responds and sternly tells me (in other words) to go fuck myself. And if I don’t drop this thing, they’ll come after me for legal fees.
- At this point, it’s looking bleak. I’m being pushed into a corner. I don’t have the means to pay for a car that I don’t have access to. I’m being forced to stop making payments.
- It’s also looking like my only remaining option is to take this dispute online, as I cannot afford an expensive (competent) lawyer.
- I reach out to a handful more Utah law firms, but no responses.
- Mid-July: I call the tow company to confirm that the vehicle is still there. I arrange to drop off the key and pick up my belongings. I’m going to have to let it go.
- I begin researching Neighbor reviews. That’s when I learned that I’m not the first person to get anal raped by them without shame or remorse.
- I reached out to some Utah-based class action law firms for further investigation. Conversations evolve from there.
In the end, my vehicle was picked up by the loan company. They paid the tow and storage bill. Which was over $10,000. That amount was added to my balance. The repossession was reported on my credit. My credit score is shit again. I lost my vehicle. I lost the equity I put into it. I now have a huge debt in collections from the loan company.
Deep breath.
Now please understand that the details above are scratching the surface when compared to the nuances and shamelessness of this ordeal.
Another thing to note is the sheer amount of time, stress and headaches this ordeal has caused me. I was on vacation in Thailand while this was taking place. With a 12-hour time-zone difference, I was tasked with dozens of hours of research, communication and phone calls during the night time.
This ordeal has played a role in the initiation of my severe anxiety and panic that has set in a few months ago for the first time in a decade. I was recently prescribed anxiety medicine FOR THE FIRST TIME IN MY LIFE. That is how bad my mental health state has come to during these past few months dealing with this.
The thought of my vehicle being repossessed after I’ve spent the past 24 months meticulously fixing my credit and name, is just beyond troublesome, stressful and sickening.
All of this could have been avoided if Neighbor would have just stepped up, taken responsibility and moved my vehicle to a new spot right as this occurred. But no, they opted to shirk their responsibility thereby destroying my financial recovery plan, mental health and, overall wellbeing.
This is one man’s story. One person’s pain. One individual’s suffering.
Imagine if you heard about the hardships and pains of the collective! It’s unbearable.
My beef surrounds the ethicacy of Neighbor’s policies. Sure, I want my situation rectified. But this is about so much more. Here we have ourselves a case where a bully with money and lawyers beats down the little guy and gets away with it. At what point is enough, enough? When do we stop allowing large corporations to ruin the lives of their customers without repercussion?
I began to look into Neighbor’s terms of service and policies. It’ll make you vomit.
The crux of the matter is this: you think you’re going to save money by using Neighbor instead of using traditional means of storage. And while that may be true 9 times out of 10, it only takes the one time for you lose everything. And then you’re faced asking yourself, was it really worth the money I saved?
In my case, I used Neigbor a few times before. The experience was not here nor there. But it was okay. Well, until it wasn’t. And Neigbor did nothing, no sorry, they did less than nothing to make it better. They threatened me, bullied me, put me in debt and destroyed my credit.
Now I will make it my hobby to expose them until they atone for their sins.
If you’re considering using Neighbor for your storage needs. Don’t. Pay an extra few dollars and use a service that will protect you in the face of mishaps.